Board of Examinations

Classes I to XI, CBSE & NIOS

Board of Examinations

  • There is CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION with the objective to assess the learner in a holistic manner.
  • There are three evaluations spread over the entire academic year.
  • For every assessment there will be at least one set of assessment in the various skills and subject matter of the respective subjects and languages.
  • Grades are introduced on a 5- point scale, which will replace the numerical scores.
  • Non-scholastic subjects like Art, Games, Computers etc., also will be included in the evaluation and the students will be graded on a 5-point scale for all subjects as give under:
  • Grade Description Percentage
    Grade Description Percentage
    A Outstanding 90-100%
    B Excellent 75-89%
    C Very Good 56-74%
    D Good 35-55%
    E Scope for Improvement Below 35%
For the purpose of uniformity, the classes VI to IX may replicate the same assessment model as described above for Class X for academic Year 2018-2019.
Marks Portion Marks Portion Marks Portion
Periodic Test (10 marks) Board Exam or Final Exam (80 marks)
VI to VIII 50 Full 50 75% II Term, 25% I Term 80 60% III Term + 20% II Term + 20 % I Term
IX & X 80 Full 80 50% I Term, 50% II Term 80 Equally distributed (As per CBSE Curriculum)

Subject to change as per information from CBSE

For the purpose of uniformity, the classes VI to IX may replicate the same assessment model as described above for Class X for Academic Year 2018 - 2019

Marks Areas
Marks Areas
5 Note Book Submission,
Regularity, Assignment Completion, Neatness & Upkeep of the note book
5 Subject Enrichment Activity,
Speaking and Listening Skills, Practical Lab Work, Map Work & Project Work
10 Periodic Tests
1st Language,2nd Language,3 Subjects
Average Marks of the I & II Terminal Examinations will be taken out of 10
80 Final Examination (Board Examination for Class X)

Subject to change as per information from CBSE

Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour & Values):

Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Sincerity, good behaviour and values develop strength and foster unity and cooperation. Therefore, the element of discipline has been introduced. The Class Teacher will be responsible for grading the students on a Five-point scale (A to E).

The internal assessment comprising 20 marks (10 + 5 + 5) entails objectivity and a structural approach.

Total 100 marks (Syllabus for assessment will be only Class – X)
Subjects 80% Marks (Board Examination) Student has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject 20 Marks (Internal Assessment) Student has to secure 30% marks out of overall 20 marks earmarked in each subject.
Periodic Test(10 Marks) Notebook Submission (5 Marks) Subject Enrichment activity (5 Marks)
(i) (ii) (iii)
Language 1 Board will conduct Class X Examination for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject of Class X only. Marks and Grades will be awarded for individual subjects. 9- point grading will be same as followed by the Board in Class XII. Periodic written Test, restricted to three in each subject in an Academic Year.Average of the best two tests be taken for final marks submission. This will cover:
  • Regularity
  • Assignment Completion
  • Neatness & Upkeep of note book
Speaking and Listening skills
Language 2 Speaking and Listening skills
Science Practical Lab work
Mathematics Maths Lab Practical
Social Science Map work and Project work
6th Additional subject Scheme of studies for 6th additional subject is detailed in Annexure 1
Note: In case student opts a language as6th additional subject the modalities defined for Languages 1 & 2 shall be followed.
Examinations Marks (Theory) Duration
Examinations Marks (Theory) Duration
First Mid Term Exam 50 1.5 hours
First Term Exam 70 3 hours
Second Mid Term Exam 50 1.5 hours
Second Term Exam 70 3 hours
Total (Theory) 240
Particulars Dates
NIOS Timetable releasing date Last week of August 2019
Admit card date Third week of September 2019
Practical exam dates Fourth week of September 2019
NIOS theory exam held on October/November 2019
NIOS Result Declaration December 2019

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Email :
Working Hours : Sunday - Thursday (7.15 a.m. to 6.20 p.m.)

The Indian Community School (Junior) Salmiya
Tel # 00965 25613344 / 00965 25634626
Fax # 00965 25628728
Email :

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Tel # 00965 25624405, 00965 25624267, 00965 25624397
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Tel # 00965 24717193
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The Indian Community School, Kuwait
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